Omega-3 Daily Dose Recommended for Optimal Health – How Much EPA and DHA Should I Take?

Omega-3 Daily Dose Recommended for Optimal Health – How Much EPA and DHA Should I Take?

Omega-3 fatty acids like EPA and DHA are incredibly important for overall health and well-being. As essential fatty acids, they are necessary nutrients that our bodies cannot produce on their own, so we must obtain them through diet or supplementation.

Omega-3s provide wide-ranging benefits, including supporting cardiovascular, cognitive, immune, joint, eye, and skin health. However, many people do not get enough omega-3s in their diet. Taking an omega-3 supplement can help fill this nutritional gap that is often present in many modern diets.

Fun Fact: Approximately 95% of Americans have a low omega-3 index [1].

But how do you know how much EPA and DHA you should be taking each day? What is the omega-3 daily recommended intake?

In this article we will be explaining the benefits of DHA omega-3, why you should care about your omega-3 index, the omega-3 daily dose recommended by the “DHA Regimen,” and how to choose a quality omega-3 DHA supplement to meet your needs.

Benefits of Taking DHA Omega-3 Daily

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) plays a crucial role in promoting optimal health and well-being throughout all stages of life. The fatty acid is a key component of cell membranes, especially in the brain and eyes, making up the majority of the fat content of both.

It has been extensively studied for its numerous health benefits for people of all ages, particularly in supporting brain health, cognitive function, eye health, heart health, and a healthy inflammatory response.

We will give an overview of some of the main benefits of DHA omega-3s and why it is crucial to get enough of this important nutrient on a daily basis below:


  • Brain Health – DHA omega-3 is a major structural component of the brain. Research suggests that adequate levels of DHA are crucial for optimal brain function, cognition, and memory [2]. Taking the omega-3 DHA daily may help support brain health and cognitive performance. Omega-3s also play a supportive role in mood balance.

  • Eye Health – DHA is a key structural component of the retina. Adequate intake of DHA may help promote eye health throughout all stages of life [3].

  • Aids in Pregnancy and Early Development - DHA is a crucial omega-3 for the development of a baby's brain and eyes during pregnancy and early infancy [4]. Pregnant women are encouraged to consume adequate amounts of DHA to support their baby's growth and development, in addition to what the mother already needs in a day.

  • Heart HealthOmega-3 heart benefits include supporting healthy triglyceride and blood pressure levels [5]. They also promote healthy vascular function, which contributes to the overall health of the cardiovascular system.

  • Support a Healthy Inflammatory Response – Omega-3s support balanced cytokine and eicosanoid production for a healthy inflammatory response.

  • Healthy Immune Function – EPA and DHA promote immune cell activity and support a healthy immune response [6]. Adequate intake may aid the body’s natural abilities and processes to resist and combat unwanted organisms and compounds.

  • Healthy Skin Omega-3s support healthy skin barrier function, hydration, and an overall healthy appearance.

With wide-ranging benefits for overall wellness, it’s clear that getting enough EPA and DHA omega-3s every day is vital for optimal health.

Now, what is the omega-3 DHA’s daily recommended intake for humans?

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How Much Omega-3 Can I Take Daily?

Now that you understand the benefits of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA, it’s important to optimize your levels for long-term health—especially in the modern world where it is often not found in adequate amounts in our diets.

Over the past century, dietary trends have shifted significantly, with an increase in omega-6 fatty acids that are often found in low-quality and processed foods, and a marked decrease in omega-3 fatty acid consumption.

This imbalance in the omega-3: omega-6 ratio contributes to a host of health issues from an increased risk of inflammation to weakened cell walls.

To reap the numerous health benefits of DHA omega-3, determining the right amount of DHA intake per day is essential.

Typically, the average omega-3 index percentage (levels of DHA and EPA found in the membranes of red blood cells) in Americans is about 3-4%, which is far from the ideal range of between 8-10%. This emphasizes the need to ensure adequate DHA intake through dietary sources or supplementation.

So, what is the omega-3 daily dose recommended for optimal health outcomes for humans?

Omega-3 Daily Dose Recommended by the DHA Regimen

Ascent Nutrition's DHA Regimen offers an easy and convenient way to ensure that you're getting the right amount of DHA daily.

To achieve "peak omega-3 levels," (i.e., to move the average of 4% to the optimal levels of 8%) one would need to consume 1,000 to 2,000 mg of DHA and EPA each day (or 7,000 to 14,000 mg per week).

However, the average American's weekly DHA intake falls short, only reaching slightly over 2,400 mg per week.

So, how do you optimize your omega-3 levels to experience all the benefits of docosahexaenoic acid?

When it comes to incorporating DHA into your diet, there are several options available.

Seafood, especially fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines, is a rich source of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA. Consuming these types of fish regularly can help promote the levels of the essential fatty acids in your body. Fish oil supplements are another popular source of DHA, which can be taken in the form of capsules or a liquid.

However, dietary fish and fish oil supplements are ineffective for optimizing omega-3 DHA levels for several reasons:

  1. Dietary Preferences and Allergies: Many people follow vegan or vegetarian lifestyles, others are allergic, and some do not find fish palatable.

  2. Omega DHA Concentration: The DHA omega-3 daily dose recommended by the DHA Regimen is around 1,000 to 2,000 mg of DHA and EPA per day. This is the equivalent of 5-11 average servings of salmon in a week. This is not convenient or practical for many people.

  3. Environmental Contaminants: Fish carry the risk of contaminants (e.g., mercury and PCBs) from chemicals discharged by agricultural, industrial, and urban sources.

Ascent Nutrition's Algae Oil DHA offers the easiest and most effective way to optimize your omega-3 levels. It allows you to consume the recommended 1,000 to 2,000 mg of DHA and EPA in a few drops.

This option benefits those who either do not consume fish or wish to ensure they meet the recommended DHA intake for their health objectives.

By consistently incorporating a high-quality DHA supplement like Ascent Nutrition's Algae Oil DHA into your daily routine, you can work towards achieving optimal health and well-being.

Omega-3 Blood Testing

Omega-3 blood testing can provide valuable insights into an individual's omega-3 status and help determine if the current omega-3 intake is sufficient. This testing measures the levels of EPA and DHA in the blood, providing important numbers to guide the recommended daily intake.

Blood tests can provide objective measures of your omega-3 status. Two key markers to look for are:


  • EPA + DHA Omega-3 Index: This measures the percentage of EPA and DHA in red blood cell membranes, reflecting tissue levels. An omega-3 index of 8-10% is considered optimal for health. Below 4% is considered to be very deficient.

  • AA/EPA Ratio: This ratio measures the balance between omega-6 fatty acids (arachidonic acid) and omega-3 fatty acids (EPA). A lower AA/EPA ratio is associated with a healthier inflammatory response.

While most people do not need regular omega-3 testing, it can be helpful for:


  • Identifying omega-3 deficiency if you are experiencing health issues

  • Confirming your omega-3 status is optimized if you are taking supplements

  • Monitoring progress on higher omega-3 intakes

Work with your healthcare provider to determine if omega-3 testing could be beneficial for you. They can help interpret your results and recommend any adjustments to your omega-3 intake accordingly.

Who Should Take DHA Supplements?

Given the broad health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, DHA supplements are beneficial across a variety of demographics (including students, biohackers, and athletes) and life stages (from prenatal to old age).


  • Prenatal DHA: Starting with the earliest phase of life, expectant mothers are often encouraged to boost their DHA intake. As we've explored, DHA plays a vital part in the development of the fetal brain and eyesight, making it an important nutrient during pregnancy.

Learn More: Prenatal DHA: Importance of Omega-3s in Pregnancy


  • DHA for Infants: As infants continue to grow and reach different stages of childhood development, maintaining an intake of DHA is recommended, especially due to its support of cognitive health and the nervous system. For growing children, DHA may contribute to behavioral and attentional balance, potentially supporting learning outcomes.

Learn More: DHA for Women and Kids


  • Benefits of DHA Omega-3 in Adulthood: Moving on to adulthood, the consumption of DHA remains important for maintaining brain health, supporting a healthy heart, and promoting skin vitality. DHA may enhance quality of life by promoting cognitive and visual functionality, supporting emotional balance, and promoting a balanced immune system response.

Learn More: Benefits of DHA Omega-3 for Men and Women 


  • DHA supplementation in Old Age: As we age, the need for DHA does not diminish. Older adults may find that DHA supplements continue to support cognitive function, heart health, and overall well-being. Additionally, DHA may offer some support for a healthy aging process.

In essence, anyone focused on maintaining a healthy lifestyle may consider DHA supplementation.

Omega-3 needs are higher in infants and teens to support growth and development. Adequate intake during pregnancy and breastfeeding also matters for infant brain and eye development. Adults should also continue getting adequate amounts of omega-3s daily to promote optimal wellness and a healthy aging process.

While one can obtain DHA from dietary sources, a supplement can ensure consistent and sufficient daily intake, which can sometimes be a challenge through diet alone

Certain conditions or lifestyles may necessitate a closer look at one's intake of DHA. For individuals who do not consume much fish, such as those who follow vegetarian and vegan lifestyles or those with fish allergies, Algae Oil DHA supplements can be a critical addition to ensure they are meeting their nutritional needs.

Best DHA Supplements

When it comes to choosing the best DHA supplements, it is essential to consider the quality and purity of the product.


  • Quality: Look for products that use high-quality ingredients and follow strict manufacturing standards to ensure product safety and efficacy.

  • Purity: Choose supplements that prioritize purity by avoiding harmful additives, artificial colors, and unnecessary fillers. At Ascent Nutrition, we pay special attention to purity by using a unique and natural water-extraction process that does not use any harsh chemicals, unlike certain other companies.

  • Third-party testing: Look for products that have been independently tested for quality, purity, and potency, ensuring that you are getting a reliable and effective supplement. Our Algae Oil DHA is 3rd party tested and exceeds cleanliness and safety standards set for heavy metals and microbial analysis testing

Ascent Nutrition's Algae Oil DHA meets all these criteria, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a high-quality vegan omega-3 source to support brain health and overall well-being.

Explore our Algae Oil DHA, including a tasty cold-pressed organic lemon peel oil variation!


  1. Harris, W. S., Tintle, N. L., Imamura, F., Qian, F., Korat, A. V. A., Marklund, M., ... & Mozaffarian, D. (2021). Blood n-3 fatty acid levels and total and cause-specific mortality from 17 prospective studies. Nature communications, 12(1), 1-9:

  2. Weiser, M. J., Butt, C. M., & Mohajeri, M. H. (2016). Docosahexaenoic acid and cognition throughout the lifespan. Nutrients, 8(2), 99:

  3. Hodge, W., Barnes, D., Schachter, H. M., Pan, Y., Lowcock, E. C., Zhang, L., ... & Lewin, G. (2005). Effects of omega-3 fatty acids on eye health. Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE): Quality-assessed Reviews [Internet]:

  4. Coletta, J. M., Bell, S. J., & Roman, A. S. (2010). Omega-3 fatty acids and pregnancy. Reviews in obstetrics and gynecology, 3(4), 163:

  5. Khan, S. U., Lone, A. N., Khan, M. S., Virani, S. S., Blumenthal, R. S., Nasir, K., ... & Bhatt, D. L. (2021). Effect of omega-3 fatty acids on cardiovascular outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 38:

  6. Gutiérrez, S., Svahn, S. L., & Johansson, M. E. (2019). Effects of omega-3 fatty acids on immune cells. International journal of molecular sciences, 20(20), 5028: 

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