The benefits of omega-3s for longevity extend beyond their impact on telomeres. They can also promote an individual's health span and lifespan by positively impacting other biomarkers of aging, including cardiovascular health, joint mobility, cognitive function, and eye health.
Omega-3s for Cardiovascular Health
One of the main areas where omega-3s demonstrate their health-promoting effects is cardiovascular health, which is a major factor for lifespans in aging populations.
Research suggests that optimal levels of omega-3 fatty acids (read on for recommended levels) promote healthy cardiovascular function in a number of ways, including encouraging healthy blood lipid profiles, vascular function, scavenging free radicals, and supporting healthy inflammatory responses [5] [6] [7].
Omega-3s for Brain Health
Another reason to explore omega-3s for longevity is due to their role in supporting brain health. Maintaining cognitive function and working memory are important aspects of healthy aging [8].
As the 'fattiest' organ in the body, the brain needs an optimal supply of fatty acids (especially DHA) to function optimally [9].
Studies show that increased dietary intake of DHA may promote optimal levels of gray matter in the brains of older adults [10]. The gray matter is a region of the brain that is responsible for processing information.
Omega-3s for Eye Health
In addition to its important role in cardiovascular and brain health, an increased omega-3 index promotes optimal eye health, from early life all the way to old age. The maintenance of vision is an important indicator of longevity or healthy aging.
Similar to the brain, DHA is the most abundant fatty acid in the eyes, where it supports the healthy functioning of rhodopsin, a pigment that is key to the conversion of light into visual images [11].
One study published in the International Journal of Food Science & Technology showed that individuals who took a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids were up to 35% less likely to experience age-related visual issues [12].
Omega-3s for Joint Health
A hallmark of aging is reduced mobility from 'less comfortable' joints. Omega-3 supplements can help promote joint health and function by supporting healthy inflammatory responses and scavenging free radicals.
A 2017 meta-analysis in the journal Nutrients found that taking omega-3 supplements with DHA and EPA had a beneficial effect in supporting joint comfort [13].
The takeaway? Omega-3 supplementation has the potential to promote healthy aging by addressing various factors that contribute to age-related decline. By selecting high-quality supplements rich in DHA and EPA, individuals can ensure they are providing their bodies with essential nutrients required for optimal functioning as they age.